Sunday, August 28, 2016

What I did on my summer vacation

Obviously I did not learn how to post pictures properly.

Don't have a clue on that pic. Some Santa thing from China.

I have been spending most of my time in health related activities:

Physical Therapy on my back and neck 3 days a week. One of which involves some kind of massage which is really painful torture. 

One or two days a week at a different kind of doctor. This coming week will be a cardiologist. I still have to fill out that paperwork.

Once a week or so with my mother, lately it is back to the movies. Star Trek, I highly recommend. The Chinese restaurant on Ford Road I would skip. Also a regular visit to Walgreen's which I am starting to look forward to that visit. Also saw Jason Bourne, not a bad movie if you do not mind a bit of blood and gore, it is my mom's favorite. Yes, she is 82. 

I have not found a dog and that is God's way of telling me this is No Time For Dogs.

Big Daddy recently returned from China and is preparing to start a new job with a new company, he needs new clothes. The old company was really slack on looking sharp. And he may not be returning to China in the near future. Hurrah. 

Read some books but the only one I would call a winner was "The Girl From The Savoy", really a nice read about the early 20th century in England. 

My SIL has me convinced to paint my house in Chalk Paint, we will see. 

My precious Curly is walking and dancing and is quite precocious, maybe she will take after me. 

I need to keep putting one foot in front of the other and just keep on keeping on, hopefully more to follow.