Friday, January 6, 2012

The Internet caught my cold

 We had no Internet most of the day Friday. About 9:30 Big Daddy called the front desk to find out what the problem was. The Internet was sick. This according to the English speaking lady in charge. It was sick and felt very, very bad. China Net, our provider, was trying to make it better all day. Yep, Piers, these people are miles ahead of us.

Big Daddy got me a portable humidifier and those are expensive here, 45 dollars for an okay one, and hold onto your hat, 75 dollars for the Hello Kitty version. And I am talking desktop models.

Big Daddy got an email from the last impossible job people, they thanked him for being the only honest candidate that told them he could not do that job and no one could do that job. They said everyone else just played along until it became obvious that they were not qualified in one of the many areas. He had another interview last night with a different company.

About the calendar, I was tethered to a Blackberry for years and that meeting notice feature that drove me insane. Between the laptop and the Blackberry I was so tired of technology. And I never kept anything personal on company property. So a nice paper calendar and I was happy. I made all my appointments for the year and at a glance I knew what was going on. And I love making lists, so pen and paper is a natural for me. Not normal is that I have 3 cell phones. And they are all standard issue plain. One is a Nokia that uses a sim card, one is a Sprint and one is a World phone. The Nokia phone calendar is stuck in August 2011 and will not move.


  1. I had never heard of a world phone before.

    Interesting that you have a Groundhog 'Month' version of a calendar. I s'ppose it would make living in the past easier to accomplish, if you so desired.

  2. Esby, the World phone works everywhere in the world except Japan and you pay per use. It is always active and you only need to use once a year to keep it active. For me to call anywhere it will go through cheaper than other phones. It is expensive to use in a US to US call, like 7 dollars a minute. I only use it for vital calls to China. Cheaper. The Sprint is for home and for now as I have little use for that. The China phone costs me about 15 to 20 US dollars a year. China phone is really cheap. But all I use them for is calling people on the phone. There is very little texting and nothing else as I don't have Chinese characters and can't read them anyway.

  3. However, it is hilarious when I get Chinese spam.

  4. I think I need a paper calendar - my electronic ones on iPhone, iPad and iMac are all fucked.
