Monday, April 23, 2012

How you know you are okay

I asked Big Daddy yesterday afternoon if he wanted me to go to Target and buy him a new lunch bucket. He ironed his big boy clothes and did his man spa (trimming nose hairs) and we had a lovely dinner. If you can't laugh and joke then you are not okay. I remember when Punkin Head was in Upper School I would leave notes about him having play dates with his friends. Cracked me up.

I received desperate phone calls from some recruiter today which I let go to voice mail, not my job.

Funny of the day: New Company cannot do anything to BD's passport until he is a direct employee. They took him in under a contract company with the promise of direct employment as soon as the CEO signs the req. Bet that gets signed right quick now that he can't travel to the shit holes of the world.

1 comment:

  1. How long are passports good for? I haven't seen mine in awhile, think I got it renewed in 2007 but wound up going "home" to South Dakota instead of Japan.
