Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Big Daddy is escaping in the nick of time

India is going on strike. The government has moved the army into Bangalore to keep the peace. First strike starts tomorrow, India raised the price of gasoline. Second strike starts Friday, the government also added tariffs to taxis and trucks and decreed all trucks must have a governor so the vehicle can not go over 48 MPH. All righty. The army is there because the word is out, if you drive around and go along with shit, you will be beaten to a pulp. He shipped his parts out, confirmed his material may never get in and tried to change his flight.

No go on the flight change, but they only have to go off the grid for one mile to get to the airport. No problem.
Prolly through the rogue elephant's compound.

Punkin Head filled my refrigerator with coconut drinks and frozen floes to see if that helps with the stomach upsets. Trader Joe's has quite a bit of it. Will report out on the project.

1 1/2 or 2 1/2 days to BD at home depending on how you count.


  1. Wow! India is falling apart?!?!? I had not heard about that. I wonder what the reason is behind the 48 mph governor apparatus speed limit (?). Safety? Energy use?

    1. potholes, going to fast for the car traffic.

  2. BD, come home!
    FMCetc, feel better soon. After all, you have the Samster at your side.
