Sunday, August 19, 2012

The mystery of the knock knock

I could not sleep last night and got up too early to look at the newspapers on line. I was reading at the dining room table when I heard the knock knock. It was around 4:30. It was the paperboy. I doubt they are still called paperboys, but whatever. Since we only get the paper 3 days a week this makes perfect sense for it to be a once in a while phenomenon. It probably has to hit just right and weigh a bit more than usual.

I still have no idea about the old guy with the shovel.

Funny of the day, from the letters to the editor, Detroit Free Press: This person strongly stressed "the need to eliminate the emissions of carbonated gasses into the atmosphere". I don't know which is worse, that someone wrote and sent it in to the paper or that it was printed without any notes about putting Coca Cola out of business.


  1. Even if the editor had known to put (sic) after carbonated, most readers would have wondered who he was setting on whom. It's sad.

    1. I am just glad someone besides me thought it odd, thanks Joanne.

  2. I am almost continually putting what may or may not be carbonated gasses into the air.



    1. You and me both, but I don't think that is what the author meant. I have never tried Beano, have you?
