Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Just waiting for strike 3

Today is our anniversary, 37 years of mostly wedded bliss. Big Daddy took the day off and is cooking and cleaning to make me a wonderful dinner.

Yesterday I thought I just might be getting a cold and jumped right on the Zicam band wagon. Well thank goodness for that or I might be actually incapacitated instead of just feeling like shit.

I am waiting for some catastrophe so that I miss my lobster dinner, that is usually how it works in my job.

We will see.


  1. No catastrophe can hold you from a lobster dinner! Go forth and be healthy!!


    p.s. And congratulations on 37 years! I have been married 10 -- seven of the happiest years of my life. :-)

  2. 37 is quite an event. Perhaps you should have a glass of champagne.

    1. I wish I could, I love champagne but it gives me dreadful headaches.

  3. Wow, 37, that is cool! You are a few years farther than us, congrats! I agree with Badger, champagne.
