Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Undeclared War or don't piss on my tree

Yes indeed, they are at it again. Every once in a while someone decides they are The King of The World and mounts an aggressive campaign to make sure we are all aware of this. And it always fails because, well, no one gives a shit except the campaigner. And every one else piles shit on this person because really, well, we all have too much time on our hands.

The campaigner in this war should really know better as he/she has the largest file Human Resources has ever seen. Yours truly is even in that file through no fault of my own, and I did not say one bad word about this asshat as they did not ask me the right questions. I cannot say much about this, but remember that old saying about give a mouse a cookie and he will ask for a glass of milk? Well this guy told the world that not only are mice too stupid to eat cookies, you also cannot teach that species to drink milk. Oh yea, he is a prize. And protected somewhat since he is another species on the protected list.

So yes, I am doing my part to stir the pot. At the same time I have been offered the opportunity to work with a pretend intern. I love interns. They are just so damn naif. And sincere. It is just more fun than I should be allowed to have at work. And this one runs to meet me and show me my problems with such enthusiasm. If I was a good person I could tell him he could reasonably make me wait an hour or so, but why would I do that.

Once again it is freezing cold, my hair is fly-away and I forgot to buy tights for the 10 minute walk to the car. Brrr cold as Big Daddy says.


  1. I thought the old saying was "How do you milk a mouse?" and the old answer is " Very carefully" hahahahaha

    1. You are killing me Esby. And I forgot to tell you I think Trader Joe's has buffalo jerky. Will report back on that one.

  2. My experience was always that HR exists to make life as difficult as possible for everyone in the company. I often succeeded despite HR.

    1. This particular HR has no balls, hilarious I got to use that one so quickly.
