Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Unbelievable and Sassy Pants

Those of you who remember my China days may remember her, I call her Sassy Pants. Big Daddy had her framed for my birthday. I like the change to the black frame.

The timing and the route to work has me just coming up a hill at daybreak, beautiful and today the sky was reddish at daybreak and I wondered if that was the red/pink that was the sailors warning. Well, when I left the plant this afternoon the wind was so strong from the southwest (don't know a thing about wind direction) that it practically walked me to my car. It was 65 degrees when I got home and tomorrow is supposed to be COLD. Will let you know.

Can't say much about my job because you could easily figure out where I work, but I will say this is a mess and getting hilarious.

Felt bad today on the way in and back home, I thought they sold Poppy's for Veteran's Day. Guess not. Thanks to all who served.


  1. We had our first snow flurries today. It is very cold indeed and the cats are sitting on the heating vents.
