Sunday, April 19, 2015

Creepy bosses

The Griffon guards the Cotton Exchange. In Savannah.

Well, this was a fun day, last Friday.

My boss told me to leave after working my 6 hours so I could keep with the 40 hour rule.

That would be leaving at 1:30 PM.

And then the crashing began with the call for a "Problem" that must be reported out at zero thirty on Monday morning. All the sudden emails started flying and texts to me started arriving. Do this and do that, and then when I said it was starting to sound like work, all communications ceased.

Well, you don't wanna play---we ain't gonna play.

This guy also is asking the off shift person to drive to his house at 4 AM and leave shit on his porch and he won't pay her for the thirty minutes he adds on to her commute. What a shit.

Can't wait to see what is gonna happen Monday.

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