Saturday, September 10, 2016

Just when you think you have heard it all . . .

As you can see I am still photo challenged. This is after downloading Google something for pics that would help me out.

Well, my mom has decided she does not want to pursue buying a mobile home after she found out they are on wheels. Big Daddy and I elected not to explain tie downs as they still blow away in a fierce wind.

I am getting many rings and messages on my heart event device so I called and asked if they are getting this data or not. They said yes so I guess I just need to leave the house on a regular basis. I had the first monitored episode the other night, woke me up, and BD took my B/P, it was low which makes me wonder is sleeping B/P a lot lower that resting B/P? I am recording this per the doc.

Which brings us to Riley, the faux poodle we are fostering. The only thing Riley will do with any enthusiasm is go for a walk. He does not sniff around, he does not pee on every inviting pee post, he walks. If he cannot hold it he poops anywhere, cement, grass, the street. If he can hold it he poops in my family room. He hates the grass. The head of the rescue squad contacted his former owner who turned out to liars, cheats and asshats and they will not take him back and said yea, he bites. BD knows about that. The vet said they refused testing on him back in the spring. So here is what happened: As soon as the last kid pulled out of the driveway they called the rescue and lied. And then they bought new carpet and furniture. And that is why they will not take him back, the new carpet. They are just cheap ass Grosse Pointers who wanted someone else to pay to put him down. His last day is Wednesday and we are just keeping him comfortable. Oh, yea, when I take him out to pee he falls over sideways when he walks. The only time he is okay is walking on the leash.

Monday I go for my test, EMG on my right arm. I am not looking forward to it. But I am also tired of the needle like pains. Don't know which is worse until Monday.

I am going to a therapist, PHD, for all this medical bullshit and she told me my symptoms are similar to another patient, one with a rare disease that was hard to diagnose. She said it would be very odd to have 2 patients with this disease but after a few visits she gave me the name of the diagnosis and said to read up on it and think about the information. It is uncanny how it seems that I meet the criteria. It is a new disease, named in 2007. I will be keeping an eye on this one.

Oh, and I passed the oral challenge for salmon and I am not allergic. It is just coincidence that half my face swelled shut twice when eating salmon. WTF.

Okay, best of the week, saw Sully at the moving pictures. I liked it, I remember watching it happen on CNN when I was laid off back in the day. It is a little sappy and whatever, but I still liked it.

Also like Light Between the Ocean, beautiful scenery. Odd this was the last movies I have watched, this and Jason Bourne and The Danish Girl all had the same actress Alicia Vikander. I wonder if she is the only one working these days. She was not in Sully.


  1. It is possible to get a mobile home in the form of a hovercraft or boat. I would have said an aircraft but then I thought, nope, wheels.

  2. Sorry to hear of you medical issues and about the poor abandoned dog. I want to see Sully, but may just wait till it available on Netflix.

  3. Sorry to hear about Riley. We are thinking of getting another dog after Christmas but are worried about getting the working one and creating havoc.

    I hope you can sort of your health issues.
