Thursday, December 12, 2013

Me and Ebay go way back

I love Ebay. I can spend money without really spending a lot and still get some interesting things. Here is my strategy, I find something I like, figure out how much I am willing to pay for it and then I make my bid. That is it, if I don't get it-fine. If I think people are waiting around to get something on the cheap I will publish the entire bid and make them put in a real bid. This is for mostly trinket jewelry shopping although years ago I bought a lovely pair of 18 karat gold rose cut diamond earrings. They were not huge and the price was right. I also bought quite a bit of vintage fur before it became popular. Yes, I have the heads and the tails.

Lately I am obsessed with "One minute manicure" type product as my hands take a beating during the day. I cannot always wear gloves in the cold, I wash my hands frequently with cheap or industrial soap and constant hand cream at work is not an option. My hands feel so wonderful after this treatment I searched and searched for the product. The only place I could find it was Sephora and it was mighty pricey in my book. So I investigated Internet recipes and found that it is nothing more than an oil and either sugar or salt. You can add other stuff if you want but that is just your choice, not a necessary item.

Well, I said to myself, just where would I store this stuff so that it looked nice, was easily available and easy to use. Goodness gracious---what about jam jars. You know, the kind with the spoon. Well, I received my first one today. I paid $5.99 plus shipping. It is green and peach to match my 1950's bathroom.  I plan on using grape seed oil and sea salt or maybe just Kosher salt. I will take pictures and let you know.

Just in case you are intrigued, you put a glop on dry (as in not just washed) (but not dirty) hands and massage into your hands rubbing well and paying attention to the cuticles. When you are finished just rinse off and dry your hands and they are the softest, non-greasy, nicest hands ever. I promise. And if we can do it on the cheap, well-why the hell not.  I also got a cut glass powder shaker for under ten bucks to hold the baking soda that I use for my face exfoliation. Another cheap but useful item.

Tomorrow making Buckeyes for the plant Christmas lunch.


  1. Pretty soon you'll be telling us how to make a car from stuff we picked up on Ebay.
    It will be fun to hear about the Buckeyes. Men go at them like they're deviled eggs.

  2. I have not had any good experiences with eBay. The first time I bought something the seller vanished with my money. The second time I got counterfeit DVDs. But I am not daunted and will give it another try.

    I need to something about my 'housewives' hands. They are a complete shambles.

    1. I will blog the experience so you can make some treatment.

  3. I told Tamie about this and she said that she had some product like this but it went rancid pretty fast. If it does go bad fast at room temperature then you might want to try refrigerating your batch and get out a small quantity from time to time as needed.
