Monday, December 16, 2013

My head hurts

I believe I have the beginnings of a sinus infection. I have been taking the "special behind the counter-so you can't make meth-pills" for a week and it is going south on me. So I called the doctor and have an appointment for early afternoon, tomorrow. I think I need the sinus cocktail shot and some antibiotics.

Sammy Dog is sick and at first I feared that we had the rare but dreadful human to dog virus. I am pretty sure that is not true as Sammy Dog is still alive and that apparently kills in 24 hours. He is not a happy camper though. And Big Daddy did not make his pee and poop area big enough so we had a dreadful morning. First thing when he came home we have an enlarged hole and a new area and Sammy peed in them both, kinda like a christening I think.

I am so excited about my weight, and no I am not losing weight because I am sick. It is not that kind of sick. But all together as of today I have lost 17 and 1/2 pounds since the middle of June. And if they are new pants I am back in my old size, the size before I was thinner. This is also the size that sells out quickly. I am wearing the old belt as I am still somewhat between sizes and would like to be able to wear my old pants and not have to purchase an entire new wardrobe for work. But imagine the excitement of not only seeing a new number on the scales, but also skipping a number. Wooeee.

Also, I am over the moon the closer our trip to Portland. We fly out Christmas Day for the long journey to the kids and the only thing we have so far is some candy's Big Daddy bought for the flight attendants. I have to get going on all this, hopefully after the doctor tomorrow I will start feeling better.


  1. Whoo hoo and good for you. My grandson lost much needed weight over the summer and I didn't think much of it except to say Good Job. Then I realized his belt was last notch and holding up ruffled pants. He quietly lost two sizes!

  2. Well done on the weight loss thing. That is a major achievement. I am also trying to lose weight at the moment - and failing.

    1. Today was a plant Christmas party and avoiding the fried chicken, pizza, lasagna, cheesecakes, it was a torture. But my Buckeyes were a hit.
