Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Root Canals are horrible

Had mine today. $287.00 later and 2 prescriptions I might by okay. Love it. Baking biscuits since chewing is not an option. Crown might go one next Monday if there are no problems. Getting close to 2000 US dollars to chew. Hmm. And the union members won't get taxed. WTF. This is my cost after the very minimal insurance. Can't open my mouth tonight so I hope I can tomorrow as Plant Loco went crazy when I was gone.

Sorting parts for a very good reason. These are parts under third party containment. Now they under real third party containment. Huge dollars for extra containment that obviously was not done the first time and now everyone's scurrying to explain why they fucked up the first time. Very sad.

While I was filling the prescriptions I got the chance to load up on stuff to take to China. Dramamine. Can't be caught without like the last time. No more China Paste, tho that did work.

9 days to China

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