Sunday, October 12, 2014

Its a dogs world

When you make a purchase at the hoity toity Grosse Pointe Dog Store they get what looks to be a homemade style dog treats. A lagniappe. And Sammy the Spanky Dog seemed to like his treat alot.

Hilarious, I just noticed it is in the shape of the mitten, for the shape of our state-the Michigan Mitten. They always leave the UP out, no wonder they get so feisty up there.

And here is the sweater, we finally found one that fits. Sammy eyeballed it this morning when Big Daddy put him out and I overheard BD telling him he did not need his sweater this morning. I told BD he was no judge of that as I did not make him pee and poop outside.

And just so you know it is not all sweetness and light here, we also bought poop bags.


  1. It is a dog's world, my central mental task to be a canine's loyal servant. I hope Badger gets back up going soon, haven't heard any updates today.

    1. I am hopeful all is well, he is lucky to have Cate and the cats.
