Sunday, July 5, 2015

Just stuff

Terrible picture of me but I think you can see why. Prolly feeling no pain as I recall the lunch that day lasted for 12 hours. This was in the wine cellar after lunch. I was at a lovely home outside of Graz Austria learning their customs.

The contact lens are not working out. I found an alternate way to put them in and will try this. Not a quitter but very discouraged. I think I would be more enthused if I could see better with them.

Zoey has discoved fish flies and is entranced. We don't have many this year but I am told down at the Park end of the Pointes they are scary plentiful.

The planting is finished except for fun finds. I will try for some decent pictures. Mr. Slav was chatting with Big Daddy, remarkable under the circumstances, and when he saw BD was going to take the overgrown fronds of the neighboring hedge down he brought his electric hedge trimmer and a step stool over and got the job done. I swear for the strangest neighbors ever, they are also the best.

I bought a hat for Curly, sent her Mummy a pink bouquet and Mummy got a pedicure and foot massage and still no Curly. Which is just as well because Punkin Head refused to name her Curly Doodle if she was born on the 4th.

Waiting for ribs and cole slaw. And Curly.

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