Sunday, December 23, 2012

All food all the time

Big Daddy is hunting for Brioche for the strata recipe, this is not easy to find. Thank goodness he got the ham yesterday, he forgot to order one and he said it was almost hand to hand combat to get the few remaining hams. Our salmon was okay last night, just okay. Tonight is duck breast of some sort.

Punkin Head called and his bread was not pretty, but for a first time cooking in the clay container it sounded not bad. They are going to be late leaving for Vermont-working today and still have to pack- and I will worry, worry, worry. They have a room in Buffalo reserved and I will not rest until I hear all is well. At least they breaking the trip up and not driving through the night.

I am working on my New Year's Resolutions, I never did them before so I am trying something new.

And tomorrow I must buy wrapping paper and gifts bags. So til tomorrow . . .