Sunday, February 15, 2009

Nancy Pelosi is pissing me off

Okay, I don't believe most of what I read, but someone tell me if it is true that Nancy and Obama's vacations plans drove the voting on the "Lets give a lot of money to people with no training to handle the (money) stimulus plan (and by the way they don't need to read the plan) real quick so we can go on our little trips. Trips that cost the US taxpayers mucho dollars in keeping these people from brushing shoulders with us regular folks. Obama, okay I don't want him at Detroit Metro-too much confusion. Nancy, if she doesn't pose with the lip pout would anyone notice she is there except for Anderson Cooper. And he might be busy that day.

Every time I look at the television, Internet, or the old fashioned newspaper I see this woman posing in a manner that indicates to me she thinks she is Demi Moore. I don't know why but I think Demi Moore. Coco Chanel wore pearls but she never played to the balcony. Coco had respect for herself. Never pouted her lips for likes of the ....well let us not go there.

This gets worse, Mitch Albom is thinking like I am according to what I read in the Detroit Free Press, where does Kwame Kilpatrick's mom, a US Congresswoman get the money and-just call it a pair-to send her little boy to Dallas on a private plane on a government salary. And in my opinion why isn't his wife working. I very rarely agree with Mitch Albom.

Weird new of the day, reports from some GREEN scientist reporting in Chicago, Global Climate Change is occurring because China and India are growing their economies and may use more coal. They will be warm and make cars, while we will freeze and somehow the rain forests will burn with no conversation on the fact that the rain forests are being cut down for money for the exotic wood. WTF.

So I say we should get Nancy, Demi, Mitch, Obama, Kwame, and don't forget New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, and Detroit City Council president Monica Conyers and see if Detroit Councilwoman Martha Reeves (elected because she could sing in the old days) can identify who is who. Martha Reeves is pulled into this mess because she did not know that Tiger Stadium was being torn down-she is really up on local issues. That is the sad state of affairs in our country right now. Nobody leading nobody in Motown and Nancy pursing her lips in photo ops with scarlet lipstick. WTF.

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